Scoop: First waterslide for Preston Palace all-inclusive resort

Reading time: 1.5 minutes
Interesting for: day recreation, residence recreation and swimming pools

Preston Palace all-inclusive resort in Almelo is constructing the first waterslide in its swimming pool. The resort’s intention in adding this slide is to further increase the attraction value of its luxurious Riviera bathing facilities. While assembly of the waterslide previously had to been postponed by mutual agreement with Preston Palace due to circumstances related to the coronavirus pandemic, the time has now finally come to proceed, and assembly is in full swing. We are very pleased to be able to start work on this splendid project. Guests will therefore have the opportunity to enjoy the new waterslide before the peak season commences.

The new waterslide is a (Challenger) tube slide for the whole family. Starting at a height of 4.3 metres, the ride descends through three bends and ends in the swimming pool. The waterslide is also equipped with a range of multimedia including theme choices, time registration and touch points. Watergames & More constructed not only the waterslide, but also the spiral staircase.

Nestling among the existing rockery, the waterslide extends through the acoustic spray-plaster ceiling (the starry sky) with a view to both making optimum use of the space and fully integrating it in the surroundings. The photo below shows the construction of the spiral staircase.

Watergames & More is looking for staff to play a role in cool projects similar to that at Preston Palace. Check our vacancies here!

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